Hong Kong Rush Hour by Marcin Stawairz
The theme of cityscapes, which are actu ally noth ing but city por traits, is among the favorite themes for pho togra phers. How ever, in spite of its wide pop u lar ity, every cityscape always looks fresh and remains inter est ing for the audi ence. Even if we see many pic tures of the same and famil iar places, such as the streets of New York, every pic ture, if it is an art ful and cre ative photo, will still be able to reveal some new and pre vi ously undis covered aspects, col ors, and angles. Fur ther more, pho tog ra phers do their best to choose the best tim ing and location for mak ing pic tures of the cities. As the result we can see really mag nif i cent and impress ing views of the cities at night or bird’s-eye views of cities and towns.
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