Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Five Facts About the Female Anatomy Every Male Should Know

Fact #1-
A women's vagina has something in common with a shark. Vaginal lubricant is a melting pot of ingredients, from lactic acid to squalene, which is an ingredient also found in a sharks livers.

Fact #2-
Lubrication isn't just for getting "hot and heavy" it is always being secrted by the walls to keep vaginal tissue healthy. However, lubrication amount always increases during arousal.

Fact #3- "Sex leaves women mentally alert because it takes them between 15 to 30 minutes to return to a pre-arousal state, while men come down immendiatley"

Fact #4- According to studies the average sexual experience is 2 minutes and 50 seconds, yet women rate there short sessions as feeling more like 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Fact #5- There is hope for the quickie.

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